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Middle spotted woodpecker

The Middle spotted woodpecker is a sedentary species, which means that it does not migrate long distances but generally stays in the same habitat throughout the year. Its behaviour involves actively foraging on tree trunks and branches, where it uses its powerful beak to extract insects from the bark. It usually nests in cavities that it digs by itself in the trunks of mature trees, favouring oak because of its wood suitable for such excavations. Pairs are monogamous and defend their territory firmly during the breeding season.
Dendrocopos medius
Dendrocopos medius - Middle spotted woodpecker

Description and how to observe Middle spotted woodpecker:

Middle spotted woodpecker, known scientifically as the Dendrocopos medius - Middle spotted woodpecker, is a species of bird of the woodpecker family. It is characterised by its medium size, with a length of about 20-22 cm and a wingspan of 34-39 cm. It has a brightly coloured plumage with a black and white back and a distinctive reddish head. The belly is white with subtle stripes and the wings have a characteristic pattern of black and white stripes.

To observe it in the Danube Delta, it is recommended to visit oak forests and areas with mixed vegetation, especially during the morning when the woodpeckers are most active. Loud knocking sounds on bark and short, sharp calls are useful clues to locating this bird.

What it feeds on Middle spotted woodpecker:

The diet of Dendrocopos medius consists predominantly of insects, larvae and other invertebrates found under the bark of trees. In cold periods, when insects are less accessible, it diversifies its diet with seeds and fruits. It favours oak, which is a rich source of insects and has bark suitable for foraging.


Among the main threats to Middle spotted woodpeckers are deforestation and habitat loss, which reduce the number of mature trees available for nesting and feeding. Climate change and intensive pesticide use also affect food availability, putting pressure on local populations of this species.

Ecological role:

Middle spotted woodpeckers play an important ecological role in the forests of the Danube Delta. By digging cavities for nesting, they help to create shelters that other species of birds and small mammals later use. In addition, by controlling insect populations, it helps maintain the health of the forest ecosystem.

More information about Dendrocopos medius:

This species has an average longevity of 7-10 years in the wild. It is often confused with other species of woodpeckers, but its reddish head and lack of stripes on the breast set it apart from its relatives. Watching the Middle spotted woodpecker in its natural habitat contributes to a unique experience for bird and nature enthusiasts, while providing an insight into the remarkable biodiversity of the Danube Delta.

This fascinating species is a symbol of the resilience of oak forests and an indicator of the health of the region's forest ecosystems.


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