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The Long-tailed Tit

The Long-tailed Tit is a sociable bird, often seen in family groups of up to 20 individuals. These birds communicate with each other with a rapid, high-pitched chirp, keeping the group together. In the Danube Delta, they are seen all year round, although some populations from other regions may migrate short distances in winter. They nest collectively, building ingenious sack-like nests of moss and spider web, lined with feathers. This nesting activity usually begins in spring, when the female lays 6-12 small eggs.
Aegithalos caudatus
Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit

Description and how to observe The Long-tailed Tit:

The Long-tailed Tit is a small but remarkable bird distinguished by its long tail, which is almost as long as its body. It has a white plumage on the head and pale pinkish-pale or grey sides with dark wings. It is a frequent visitor to the forests and wetlands of the Danube Delta, and is often seen in small, active groups, moving quickly through the tree branches. The best time to spot it is early morning, when it is active foraging in trees and bushes.

What it feeds on The Long-tailed Tit:

The diet of the Long-tailed Tit is predominantly insectivorous, feeding on small insects, larvae and spiders found on tree branches and bark. In winter it may also eat seeds and small fruits. They can often be seen foraging for food, moving quickly and nimbly.


Although the Long-tailed Tit population in the Danube Delta is not considered endangered, its habitat is vulnerable to changes caused by human activities, such as deforestation and climate change, which can affect food resources and nesting sites. Pollution and disturbance of nesting areas may also pose a long-term threat.

Ecological role:

The Long-tailed Tit plays an important role in the Danube Delta ecosystem by controlling insect populations. Its constant consumption of larvae and pests helps maintain healthy forests and vegetation. It also provides habitat for other species of small pests and beneficial insects by building nests.

More information about Aegithalos caudatus:

The Long-tailed Tit is an extremely adaptable and fascinating bird due to its social behaviour. It is protected by various conservation measures and can be easily spotted in the Danube Delta, a key biodiversity hotspot in Romania.


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