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White wagtail

The White wagtail is an energetic and active bird, often seen scurrying quickly along the ground in search of food. It is a migratory species, moving to warmer areas in winter but returning in spring to nest. It builds its nests in hidden places such as crevices in buildings, woodpiles or under stones, using grass and feathers
Motacilla alba
White motacilla

Description and how to observe White wagtail:

This slender and graceful bird has a predominantly black and white plumage, with a greyish back and contrasting black-and-white head. It is easily recognisable by its habit of wagging its long tail as it moves. The White wagtail can most often be seen on the banks of streams, in fields or even near human settlements, where it forages for insects. Look out for its undulating flight and melodious song.

What it feeds on White wagtail:

Its diet consists mainly of insects, which it catches with great dexterity. It also eats other small invertebrates such as spiders and worms, helping to maintain a natural balance in insect populations.


The main threats to this bird include habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The excessive use of pesticides can also drastically reduce its main food source.

Ecological role:

The White wagtail plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling insect pest populations and helping to maintain ecological balance. Its presence indicates a healthy habitat.

More information about Motacilla alba:

It is one of the most adaptable bird species in Europe, ranging from lowland to mountainous regions. In popular culture, the White wagtail is often associated with the coming of spring, due to its habit of returning to the same places every year.

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  • Top tourist destinations: Traditional villages, nature reserves, tourist trails and much more.
  • Activities and attractions: Everything you need to know about boating, fishing, bird watching, cycling and other activities.
  • Accommodation and catering: Accommodation to suit all budgets and restaurants serving traditional cuisine.

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