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Eurasian Reed Warbler

The Eurasian Reed Warbler is a migratory bird that winters in sub-Saharan Africa, returning to Europe each spring for the nesting season. Its arrival in Romania marks the beginning of the breeding season, during which pairs build their nests well hidden in the reed thickets. These nests are delicate, cup-shaped structures woven from reed grasses and leaves and positioned low above the water to protect the eggs from predators. Its social behaviour is moderate; during the nesting season, males are vocal and territorial, chasing away any intruder that threatens the territory of their pair.
Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Acrocephalus scirpaceus - Eurasian Reed Warbler

Description and how to observe Eurasian Reed Warbler:

The Eurasian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) is a small but vigorous bird of modest colouring, with light brown feathers on the back and a paler shade on the abdomen. This species is rather difficult to spot because of its camouflaging plumage and its specific habitat, the reedbeds of the Danube delta. The best time to observe the reed bunting is during spring and summer, when it makes its presence felt through its melodious and complex song, which resonates in the reedbeds of the delta, providing a special auditory experience for birdwatchers.

What it feeds on Eurasian Reed Warbler:

This insectivorous species feeds mainly on small insects such as beetles, moths and caterpillars, but also on spiders and occasionally on seeds and small fruits. The reed warbler is a real expert at catching prey in dense vegetation, where it nimbly slips through to find food for itself and its young during the breeding season.


The main threats to Eurasian Reed Warbler are habitat loss due to human activities such as wetland drainage, pollution and agricultural expansion. In addition, climate change is affecting migration routes and resources, putting pressure on their long-term survival. The species is sensitive to disturbance in its nesting habitat, making it vulnerable to developments in the Danube Delta.

Ecological role:

The Eurasian Reed Warbler plays an essential role in the delta ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and serving as prey for larger predators such as raptors and snakes. Its presence in the Danube Delta indicates a healthy environment and rich biodiversity and is an important bioindicator for the quality of aquatic ecosystems.

More information about Acrocephalus scirpaceus:

The Eurasian Reed Warbler is also known for its ability to recognise and remove parasitic eggs laid by the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), a behaviour particularly important for the survival of the species. In addition, its song is studied by researchers for its complexity and adaptability, which varies according to the competition of males in the area and the nesting season.

Discover now the most beautiful places in the Danube Delta!

In the following pages, you will find detailed information about:

  • Top tourist destinations: Traditional villages, nature reserves, tourist trails and much more.
  • Activities and attractions: Everything you need to know about boating, fishing, bird watching, cycling and other activities.
  • Accommodation and catering: Accommodation to suit all budgets and restaurants serving traditional cuisine.

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